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6/recent/Digital Marketing

“Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your company's online marketing efforts.”

 1. Why digital marketing matters

Does your company really need a digital marketing strategy to grow?

In short, absolutely YES and here are six good reasons why:

It gives small businesses more opportunities to compete

For small businesses, competing with the big guys isn’t exactly easy. For example, if you run a mom-and-pop diner, it’s impossible to buy more TV spots than IHOP.

But here’s the thing:

Digital marketing lets you level the playing field, no matter how big your competitors are. With the right digital strategies, you can build a massive social media following, rank at the top of Google, or sell tons of products via email.

It helps you identify and engage your ideal audience  

When you invest in traditional marketing like magazine articles or TV ads, you can target your audience to an extent. After all, you know who usually reads the magazine or watches the TV show.

But what if you really want to zero in on your audience and optimize your budget?

It doesn’t matter if your ideal audience includes stay-at-home parents or high-powered CEOs. With digital marketing you can identify and engage your ideal buyer using various online marketing tactics, even if your audience is small or has niche interests.

It helps you reach your customers in the right places

Fewer people than ever before are reading magazines and newspapers or listening to the radio. In 2018, newspaper circulation in the United States reached its lowest level since 1940. Local news audiences have declined for more than a decade.

Instead, your customers are spending more time online. In fact:

90% of American adults use the internet on a regular basis

Almost 70% use Facebook regularly

Nearly 75% use YouTube routinely

So what does that mean for your business? With the right digital marketing tactics, you can connect with your audience where they already are.

It makes tracking and monitoring easy

Tracking results from traditional ad campaigns isn’t easy. You might know how many times your ad appeared. Yet it’s impossible to know how many people actually responded to your newspaper or TV ad.

When you launch a digital marketing campaign, you can track virtually any detail. With a few clicks, you can find out how many people clicked on your ad and whether they bought something. You can even target the same group of people with another ad.

It allows you to scale and adapt your efforts

When you find a digital tactic that works for your business, you can easily scale it. After all, you aren't tied to a TV ad or committed to a direct mailing months in advance. That means you can spend a bit more in digital and get exponential results, adapting to your needs as they evolve.

Your competitors are already using it

No matter your industry, there’s a good chance your competitors already have a head start with digital marketing. In fact, 70% of marketers are already using content marketing, and almost 75% are using social media. Almost two-thirds are investing in SEO, and nearly half are using email automation.  See more

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